Automate meeting context. Focus on what really matters.
Empower your future with the context of the past
With AI Insights, all relevant past meeting materials are automatically assembled, so you can have better-informed and more focussed discussions — and meetings.
Register for early access
What will you receive?
- Early access to new AI-powered features from Sherpany.
- Fresh insights and best practices on how AI can level-up your meetings.
- Exclusive invites to participate in events, workshops, and focus groups with other leaders.
Powerful insights, delivered at exactly the right time

Make unnecessary repetition a thing of the past by automatically linking relevant past discussions.

Automate admin tasks
Say goodbye to searching for past documents and decisions with AI-powered insights for your agenda items.

Illuminate your blindspots
Get full coverage of past meeting information — surfaced at exactly the right time.

The right information. Right place. Right time
Connect the dots between present discussions and past meetings, with the right information delivered to relevant discussions, automatically.
No more endless discussion loops
By providing the full context for each agenda item, you avoid endless discussion loops and ensure you don’t retread old ground.

These companies trust Sherpany for their board meetings

Learn from the past
Get powerful insights from past discussions without losing momentum in your meetings — without having to search.